
It's tomorrow today now (den vanliga logiken finns alltid kvar) I woke up at 9 and just couldn't resist starting the day ;) I have so much to do today which is good or I'd be going nuts =P
First wash some things and watch a dvd, then school, give my keys to Ztanz or Sill, have a shower, eat, clean the kitchen and then we're off =) And I'm pretty sure there is something else as well that I've forgotten to write.. I guess I have to check if I've packed everything I need and all that.


Tomorrow =)

London baby! =) Well first down to Stockholm (tomorrow evening) and then to London (saturday morning). I really can't wait. The list is gonna be sooo much longer, I guess the extension won't come until Glasgow and Aberdeen though. But still =)

There are rumours going round about Westlife NOT recording a tour dvd this year. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case but I would be truly disappointed. I mean, what is BMG really thinking? More like, what the heck is wrong with them? First ratpack album then the love album and now NO tour dvd? I'm not sure how much of this that has been really Westlife's choice and how much has been BMG's brilliant ideas. *sigh* that pretty much says it all. Ah well, I ain't gonna let this get me down because I'm gonna see Westlife live 7 times anyway. But I can't help to think about all those people that for one reason or another can't go to the UK to see them, poor them! When they used to have their European tour that was one thing.. but now they don't even do a proper tour. I wonder where the future is to be honest. But yeah I'm not gonna let this ruin me and Annas little following Westlife tour.

Anyways, the sooner I go to bed the sooner tomorrow will come =) (not that i'm gonna sleep yet but still =P)


Dear Diary
Today I saw that boy
As he walked by
I thought he smiled at me
And I wondered
Does he know what's in my heart?
I tried to smile but I could hardly breathe
Should I tell him how I feel?
Or would that scare him away? D
iary tell me what to do
Please tell me what to say

I know I shouldn't care, but I do..


I really truly honestly haven't been this confused before in my whole life (just a slight exaggeration)
Major hangover today, only have myself to blame for it, as usual. Can't wait for the Westlife tour.. =) It's gonna be fab!


It's soon now!! =) We're going to London Baby ;)


Well well I guess it was a while ago since I last wrote in this blog. I know that cos Anna told me to write something, or she gave me a hint anyway ;) Haha!
I was working at Traversen last night and that was fun. Funnier than it has been in a long time. Anyway, it's party night tonight. I'm not sure if I'm gonna go mad though, I've got a bit of an headache. But we'll see :) Have fun and meet people anyway. That's always fun. Who cares about the drinks.
Everything feels so good at the momet, no exams to study for anymore =P Wahey! I just hope I passed the exams I did. And if I didn't.. well that's a bridge I cross when I come to it. I think I'm gonna start the party soon ;) Anna has already started drinking =P I should join her instead of writing shit on here.

over and out


I'll be there for you

Well soon I'm off to school. Got a small exam today.. not very fun. But yeah after this it's no more exams soo =P
Got projects and stuff to do instead. But that's soomuch funnier. Oh and yesterday I got my handcuffs ;) They are the sexiness =)


The weekend was so much fun :) Sleepover, lectures, games, spex, fun moments, playing in the snow, nice photos and even nicer people. MMM rules and that's the way it is.
Today was exam day, I think I did quite ok. But you never know if you pass or not. I guess I'll have to wait until I get it back. I don't know really what I should do now, I'm so extremly bored and tired as well. But it's no fun going to bed. I mean, I have a lie in tomorrow =P Ah well.. If nothing funnier than this is happening I might as well sleep.

I'm getting more and more annoyed everytime we talk.. that kind of hurts me a bit cos it used to be so good. I guess I'm ok now and that's why I don't "need" the talks as much anymore. I'm not sure.

I hate it, but I think it's the fact I'm used to having you around me. It's not good. Not at all. I don't wanna be in a situation where I can take you for granted. I wanna fight for things, anything I can have I automatically don't want anymore.. Or maybe I didn't want it to start with but that's not the point.

no hurting emotions. no tears. no regrets. no mistakes. no you and me.


In an hour or something me, Anna and Pia are going to make some ryggtrycks =P on our eh uniforms? haha. Don't ask =D
After that we have to do a bit of studying aaaand after that we are going to the teambuilding whatever thing in Lövånger :) Let's hope it'll be fun :)

The teambuilding thing all day

Day after tomorrow:
Go home from Lövånger :P and study my ass off.

Day after day after tomorrow:


Anyone wanna do some studying for me? =) It's not that fun, but luckily this time it seems like I'm actually learning it. I know what I can expect from the exam. Or from the person creating the exam maybe. Creating? Wow, now that's a fancy word. I'm impressed by myself. Why isn't anyone talking to me when I'm sitting infront of the computer? Once more I realize that it doesn't matter if I'm online or not. Ah well.. back to the studies I guess


Now it starts all over again. The serious studying part! haha. Not that fun but what can you do about it? I really need to pass the exam and maybe even both of them. And that's what I'm gonna do! So yeah, screw this and next week, and after that I'm gonna start living again!


Yesterday was party night. It was kinda okey. Me and Anna rules the dancefloor as usual (which means no one else was there). Some people just don't know when to feel ditched! Gosh! Well it started out okey, we just had a laugh. But then it started to annoy us. And people wonder why we ran outside ;) haha.

Oh baby you're making a mistake again, oh why?
Don't you understand that everytime you do, you make me cry?


I don't give a fuck about what you think! I think you mistake me for someone who gives a damn. That person is not me!


I'm not here for your entertainment
You don't really want to mess with me tonight
Just stop and take a second
I was fine before you walked into my life
Cause you know it's over
Before it began
Keep your drink just give me the money
It's just you and your hand tonight