
Today we had a lesson in how to open a locked door without using a key.
This is how you do it:
* Get shocked when you realize that your door locked itself with you on the wrong side of it and with your keys on the other side.
* Go to your flatmates room and tell her about it
* Laugh your ass off, cos believe it or not, it's a crazy situation and it just doesn't happen!
* Try calling Skebo (or whoever you think might be able to help you) and when they don't answer cos it's way later than office hours..
* .. You try to open the door with whatever you find (pins, needles, whatever)
* Realize that it's not gonna work
* Laugh even more (preferably so much that you find it hard to either breathe or stand up)
* Realize that you don't have a clue how to open the door
* Knock on your second flatmates door and ask her to kick in the door for you
* Now you are 3 people standing trying to open the door but more important, you are 3 people having a blast cos of this stupid and funny situation.
* Flatmate number 2 takes the lead and kind of jumps into the door a couple of times
* After a few minutes the door is finally open again and it's not very alive anymore
* Once again, laugh really hard!

So what have we learned from this lesson? Never ever leave your keys in your room when you walk out of it. Or never close the door when you are not in the room.

The very last step is to tell everyone about this funny accident (for example write about it in your blog)

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